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Lukas Graham i endnu et internationalt samarbejde


Lukas Graham er ude med anden single, “Too Late”, i samarbejde med Wiz Khalifa – og denne gang også i selskab med den elektroniske musik trio, Cash Cash.

Wiz Khalifa fortæller om samarbejdet, “I loved working on this project, as it’s different and stands out. The guys Cash Cash and Lukas are very talented — it’ll be dope to see where it goes.”

Hertil tilføjer Lukas Graham, “It feels good to be on such a huge record, with amazing artists in each of their respective fields. I love the catchy production and Wiz’s simple, but heavy hitting words. There’s a funny story behind this song, because I wrote the hook ages ago, but I could never figure out where to put it or how to finish the songwriting around it. So all in all, I’m super stoked that someone picked it up and made it into something special where my vocal on this powerful chorus really gets to shine.”

“Too Late” er en sentimental, emotionel sang bygget op omkring Cash Cash forståelse for at producere hits med vokaler fra hip-hop ikonet Wiz Khalifa og vores danske multi-platin singer/songwriter, Lukas Graham.

Lukas Graham kan desuden opleves live ved to eksklusive danske shows på Refshaleøen i 2021. Billetter til ekstrakoncerten, 13. august, er nu i salg på